Virtual Ascension Retreat Series [Egypt]
Receive downloads, remember your soul mission and anchor in divine purpose.
Service Description
As part of the Billionaires Triad Mission to heal one billion, Egypt has divinely called upon our spirits to activate advanced soul awakening and ascension. The divine call has been extended to include you on this journey with us virtually, so that our spirits can connect and create new beautiful sacred geometry via the lay lines and energetic grids to the pinpoints of your current geographic location. If you have the power that can change one person's life and the land around them - then together we can change the world. Will you join us on this once in a lifetime - divinely led - Egyptian, Clearing, Healing and Activation?Imagine how different your life will be to receive this level of deeply rooted, ancient healing and spiritual activations to support you on your life's mission and purpose work. Why Egypt? There are sacred places which can be found all over the globe, and some of the oldest ancient sacred energy vortices are located in Egypt. This ancient culture has brought us a vast legacy of magic, mythology, wisdom and history; that we still engage in one form or another to this day. This online activation series you will receive downloads, remember your soul mission, and anchor in its divine purpose. Then thrive in this new energetic reality by choosing to ascend every moment going forth. The Billionaires Triad will physically be in Egypt, channeling Sirian, Pleadian, Annunaki, Arcturian and other Higher Light and Love Beings including Egyptian energy. Sirians have advanced knowledge and are masters of Sacred Geometry, mathematics, laser precision. The Pleiadians have mastered the love frequency, which will be needed to house this advanced knowledge, at a D.N.A. level, as we fully activate and integrate this knowledge and energetic expansion. . When going to the ancient sites 2D elementals will be called upon to help with the activation of the loPlatonic solids, while acknowledging the cardinal points North, South, East and West. We will be pouring love, healing and compassion for all things, activating the grid lines to anchor celestial energy simultaneously with our 12 levels of D.N.A. Are you ready to remember? Are you truly ready to live within your soul’s purpose? Are you ready to experience the potency of Ancient Egyptian Energy, the power of the Great Pyramids and beyond? These activations will spark your cellular and spiritual memory so you can begin to live in your true self, serving within your life mission and soul purpose.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance.
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