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Our Healers

Welcome to "Our Healers" page, where the heart of transformation beats within The Billionaires Triad. Driven by Dr. Brandie Dingman and Ashley K. Gardener, our mission extends beyond individual healing to activate, transform, and ascend the collective spirit of humanity across Gaia.


Brandie and Ashley, serving as the foundational pillars of The Billionaires Triad, focus on rejuvenating the mind, body, and spirit by harnessing ancient energies. They aim to dissolve old karmic bonds and alleviate ancestral burdens, uplifting the collective vibration and empowering individuals to realize their full potential and embark on their paths with clarity and determination.


As emerging NY Times best-selling authors, they have reached out and positively impacted thousands globally—channeling for over 5,000 individuals, activating the spiritual gifts of 2,000 more, and facilitating healing for over a million souls across America, Canada, and Bermuda, including significant land healing in the Canyon of the Ancients in Colorado.


Vision of The Billionaires Triad:

The Billionaires Triad, led by Brandie and Ashley, heralds a pioneering era of spiritual enlightenment. They embody the essence of Geo Love Master Healers, embarking on worldwide journeys to ancient sites. Their mission is to heal and harmonize land energies, addressing ancient conflicts and transforming them into vibrations of love and light, thus impacting all connected realms across time, space, and reality.


Mentored and certified by Oliver Nino, the renowned Spiritual Activator, their combined expertise and unique synergy enhance their healing impact, enabling deeper and more expansive transformations. Together, they invite the community to join them as the Harmonic Keystone, contributing to a balanced and ascended collective consciousness.


Join Dr. Brandie Dingman and Ashley K. Gardener as they lead The Billionaires Triad on this reimagined journey. Together, let's heal, activate, and ascend, creating a legacy of love, light, and transformation for humanity.

Dr. Brandie Dingman


Ashley K. Gardener

The Billionaires Oracle, DNA Activator & New York’s First Geo Love Master Healer.

Dr. Brandie Dingman, Ph.D. is the Billionaire’s Divine Channel, Oracle & DNA Activator/Healer, She is New York’s first  Master Sacred Geometry Energy Healer, IPEC certified professional Intuitive, Life & Business Coach; adjunct Sociology Professor at the College of Saint Rose; and Co-Founder of The Billionaires Triad.

She is a healer of healers, coach of coaches and teacher of teachers. Brandie’s primary gift is a Divine Channel with a master gift as a DNA & Ancestral Healer who can also activate other’s spiritual gifts. Brandie, along with the Billionaires Triad healers are on a mission to unite 7 million light workers while healing and activating 1 Billion souls across the globe. Moreover, she helps creative people elevate their energy while tapping into their unlimited potential simultaneously activating all 12 strands of human DNA that have long been dormant. 

Simultaneously, she heals humanity's ancestral, karmic and trauma at the cellular level. Brandie’s purpose in life is to help individuals love themselves and others more abundantly through self-reflection, self-awareness and self-improvement as she supports them in understanding their highest-self and their role in changing the world one person at a time for the highest and greatest good of all.

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The Ancestral Activator &
Bermuda’s First Geo Love Master Healer

Ashley is Bermuda's first Master GeoLove Healer, founder of the Spiritual Ascension Accelerator and Co-Founder of The Billionaires Triad.

Spiritually initiated by a near death experience (NDE) at birth, resulting in minor but permanent brain damage (CP), Ashley was destined to live life as a highly sensitive person with deep empathic abilities. Feeling trapped in mental, emotional and social turmoil growing up as the proverbial “black sheep” in the family, Ashley’s loneliness and need to belong cultivated a strong desire to seek out a higher purpose. She yearned to heal the physical, generational, cultural and ancestral patterns of suffering experienced within her own life.

Along her healing journey, she was led to study the knowledge and practices of the ancients which helped transform her “disability” that plagued all areas of her life, into a divine superpower.

As a devoted wife, homeschooling mother of two and entrepreneur, her purpose is to cultivate the vibration of peace and unity and embody generational change everyday.

In her practice, Ashley holds healing space for others to feel safe, comfortable and confident in everyday life. To learn to trust one’s Inner Intuitive Compass and walk a path of Peace and Purpose.


Spread the healing!! Visit my Personal Website. Follow, Like and Share on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok

Introducing the Balancing Key Pillar:
Our Community


At the core of our healing journey is you, our vibrant community—the Balancing Key Pillar.

Your unique energies and intentions are vital, completing the circuit of transformation that makes our mission truly global.

As Balancing Key Pillars, community members contribute to and benefit from the collective ascension, reinforcing the power of unity in healing.


Certified Diamond Codes Practitioners


In our quest to deepen and expand the healing ripple, we proudly spotlight members certified in our proprietary Diamond Codes Healing Methodology. This advanced healing framework draws on sacred geometry and the vibrational power of unconditional love, offering profound transformations at cellular and DNA levels.

Meet Our Healers


Explore profiles of our certified Diamond Codes practitioners, each a testament to the transformative power of our collective journey. Discover their unique paths, specialties, and how they embody the principles of Diamond Codes healing in their work. Through their stories and successes, witness the embodiment of the Balancing Key Pillar concept—where individual achievement supports and elevates the community.

The Diamond Codes

Healer/ Practitioner

Woman by The Sea

Join the Circle of Healing


Join the Circle of Healing Whether seeking healing or interested in becoming a certified Diamond Codes practitioner yourself, you're invited to join this sacred circle. Together, with Brandie and Ashley guiding the way, and each community member contributing as a Balancing Key Pillar, we forge a future where every soul can access the light within and around, moving us all toward a harmonized, ascended world.


Welcome to a community where healing is not just an act, but a shared journey of awakening. Welcome to The Billionaires Triad: Our Healers.

I have been going to therapy and counseling for over a year and I have received more healing and clarity in one healing session with The Billionaire's Triad than I did in the entire time in therapy. Also I had an underactive thyroid which is healed now (the doctor said it is a medical miracle) they told me I will take medicine for the rest of my life and now they told me to stop. And guess which one of my chakras was blocked - my throat chakra.

S.K., UK

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